Work fabrics with elastane

Work fabrics with elastane are offered by our company. The Polish Textile Group invites clothing manufacturers to cooperate with us. Our materials can be used to make virtually any type of clothing. The best choice will be available to anyone who creates workwear, specialist clothes and clothes dedicated to specific professions. However, it is worth emphasizing that our offer is so universal that basically everyone will find something for themselves.

Work fabrics with elastane – where are they used?

Let’s start with what are the fabrics that have elastane, because the answer may be surprising. Not many people know that this is a synthetic that was produced for the needs of the army several decades ago. It was supposed to be a special military rubber. As it happens in the world of novelties, after some time it penetrated the world of civilians and so today it is used as clothing. It can also be a work fabric. Some people know this material as “lycra” or “spandex”. It consists of special synthetic fibers. Eighty-five percent of its composition is rubber. It is pleasant to the touch and is perfect for physical competitions as well as for athletes.

It can be used to create so-called “leggings”, running blouses, but also balaclavas, snoods, and even entire sweatshirts. We are only limited by our imagination. However, if we focus on production for professional fabrics, we must take into account primarily those industries where duties resemble sports. That is, where there is a lot of movement and activity. Walking, carrying, squats, bends – all this is sometimes done not only for relaxation, but as part of work.

Cotton or elastane?

Many people ask themselves which is better – cotton, which is natural, or elastane, which is artificial. In fact, it was not a good, unambiguously decisive answer. It is known that for physical work we will need more elastane, and for quiet office work, cotton is more than enough. Elastane is good for all those who are constantly on the move during the day. Especially since this material does not limit you in any way. It adheres perfectly to the body and ventilates well.

You can find more information about work fabrics with elastane