Protective fabrics

Protective fabrics are offered by the Polish Textile Group. We welcome all those who produce clothing suitable for special professions where work clothes are needed to provide protection. You can choose from a wide assortment.

Protective fabrics – what do they protect against?

The question immediately arises. If clothing is supposed to be protective, what does it protect against? The answer is not clear-cut, because not every profession is the same, but in general, it can be answered that they protect against danger. If the job involves performing duties on a public road, it is good to have reflectors to reduce the risk of being accidentally hit by a car. Alternatively, you can have clothes made of such materials that have very bright colors. In the case of professions such as firefighters, very specialized protection against various hazards is needed – fire, acids, oils. In addition, such a person must be able to work comfortably in all weather conditions – both in summer, when there is hellish heat, and in winter, when we are dealing with terrible frost. On top of that, it can rain and blow wind, and the firefighter can’t be soaked from it and generally suffer from pneumonia afterwards. Every fire and road action would eliminate a lot of people for many days.

Let’s see what the work of a cook or a doctor looks like. Both professions are similar in some respects, as both professions are exposed to a wide range of different soils. Therefore, their clothes must be very durable and must not deteriorate after each strong wash. And such have to be done very often. Compared to ordinary clothes, you need to use strong cleaning chemicals and wash at maximum temperatures. Ordinary, everyday clothes would not survive such a thing.

Fabric Certifications

Our offer is addressed to all clothing manufacturers. Both those who create ordinary, everyday clothes and those who sew specialized clothes, but not only for firefighters, but for all professions where clothing is supposed to protect against danger. There are more than 100 colors available, as well as more than 70 types of sewing accessories. In addition, accessories, shoes, gloves and disposable outfits.

For 25 years we have been operating in 20 markets in Europe, Asia and South America. We are a proven and reliable business partner. Our products have appropriate certificates that confirm their quality. If you would like to make a purchase, please visit the contact section, where you will find details of our sales representatives. You can also order through our Android and iOS apps. For this, there is a B2B platform and soon also an online store. We cordially invite everyone!

You can find more information about protective fabrics