Flame retardant fabrics

Flame-retardant fabrics are offered by the Polish Textile Group. The first question that comes to mind is what flame retardant is. That is why we are in a hurry to clarify this issue.

Flame retardant fabrics – what does it mean?

If we have an ordinary cotton jacket, it could be destroyed when it comes into contact with fire. If we threw one into the fire and next to it a flame retardant one, both of them would sooner or later be completely destroyed. However, the difference is that in the event of accidental contact with fire, the flame retardant jacket will be fine.

And such action is needed in many professions. The first one that comes to mind is a firefighter. First of all, it extinguishes fires, but also removes the effects of road accidents, where it must be clearly visible during the day and at night to avoid accidental hit-and-run. The work of a firefighter sometimes also means taking a cat out of a tree. All these activities mean that this garment must have many different properties. The most important of these is, of course, flame retardantity. Long-term, large-scale fires are the most troublesome. Then you have contact with heat, fire and smoke all the time.

Not just a firefighter

However, this is not the only profession where this type of fabric is used. For example, a welder is also one of those professions where accidental arson can occur. Let’s also look at the gas station attendant. It is in such a specific place where one spark (despite many protections) can lead to real tragedies. Therefore, when working where accidental ignition may occur, such a person should be appropriately dressed. Let’s also look at a high-voltage line worker. He must have appropriate clothing so that in the event of a breakdown, such as an accidental fire, he does not have to worry about burns.

The Polish Textile Group has flame-retardant fabrics in its warehouses, thanks to which manufacturers of specialist clothing can also introduce outfits for professions in which contact with fire or accidental ignition may occur. Occupational health and safety should always be at the highest level.
